CIN:  IT063049C1YFEZ43BF

We are here

Address:  Piazza San Gaetano 322 – 80132 Naples
 Phone: +39 349 1879087

From Garibaldi station

From Naples Central Station, take metro line 1 and get off at Piazza Dante, 500 metres away you will find the hotel.

By taxi with agreement 081 222 call and mention "tariff pre-fixedZia Maria Home - rate €10.00 including luggage.

From the airport

From Naples Capodichino Airport, take the Alibus shuttle service (€5) and get off at Piazza Garibaldi Stazione Centrale.
From Naples Central Station, take metro line 1 and get off at Piazza Dante, 500 metres away you will find the hotel.

By taxi with convention 081 2222 call and mention " tariff pre-fixed Zia Maria Home - rate €10.00 including luggage.

By Car

Exit Capodimonte tangenziale di Napoli, go straight on for about 1 km until you reach Piazza Dante at the ZTL gate
Contact garages in the area or call us for suggestions.
